That’s right! We are closing in on the show and getting the last minute details put together. This year’s show is truly massive. We will have more product than ever and had to rearrange to make more room for vendors this year! We have just a couple of those spots left available but can still accommodate some more vendors so if you have product to sell and would be interested in a booth, let us know.
Shopping passes for all accounts whose automatic payments processed on the first have gone out in the mail. Remember, all members need shopping passes to shop at the show and you must have a current method of payment on file. All charges for the Holiday Show are processed after the show itself. If you need to update your payment method, please contact our office. You can also register at the customer service booth at the show itself. If you need additional shopping passes mailed, contact the office as well. We will mail passes until Monday, November 12th. After that, passes will have to be picked up at our office or at the customer service desk at the show.
For those of you who have already signed up for a vendor space, make sure you come to the vendor gathering the evening prior to the show for food and early shopping. If you have not already, please reach out to Jimmy to let him know you are coming so he can coordinate with the caterer on the number of people.
We are very excited to make this the best Holiday Show we have ever had and thank each and every one of you for your support the entire year. We can’t wait to see you there!
iTrade Holiday Show 2018
Saturday, November 17th
8:00am – 2:30pm
Arizona State Fairgrounds
1826 W. McDowell Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85007